Our Products


Halloysite is a rare form of kaolin where the mineral naturally occurs as nanotubes; microscopic tubes, the diameter of which is measured in nanometres (one billionth of a metre) and is imperceptible to the human eye.

The properties of halloysite nanotubes make halloysite-kaolin products ideally suited to a diverse range of specialist applications, attracting a significant premium above the average kaolin price.

Halloysite-kaolin has long been prized in the manufacture of high-grade porcelain.

The use of high-grade kaolin in ceramic products brings improved strength and chip-resistance.

The inclusion of halloysite increases structural integrity meaning that items hold their shape during production, resulting in a superior fired product.

New applications for our most researched clay mineral

Our Projects

Unlocking the world's largest reserves of halloysite-kaolin

Great White Project

Located southwest of Poochera on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, our flagship project is centred on the large, high-quality Great White Deposit, a naturally occurring blend of halloysite tubes and kaolinite plates.

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